Take A Deep Breath And Ditch The Toxic Cleaning Chemicals

In recent decades, we’ve all been waking up to the dangers of toxic chemicals. From food to skincare, the shift towards natural and chemical-free products surrounds us. It's a movement that we can definitely get behind! 

One area that often goes unnoticed, however, is household cleaning. Traditional cleaning products are chock-full of harsh chemicals that threaten our health and the environment. That is precisely why we created Clean Habits; we wanted to take a revolutionary approach to cleaning with safer, scent-neutralizing, pre- and probiotic ingredients. Using our cleaners is not just a better option; it’s a necessary choice for a healthier, more natural lifestyle. 

The Dangers Chemical Cleaners Pose To Your Home

How many times have you been minutes into your bathroom deep-cleaning and had to take a coughing break from all the fumes? What about locking the kids and fur babies in the other room so they don’t accidentally touch something poisonous during your kitchen clean reset?

Traditional cleaners often contain harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, parabens, and phthalates, which can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. These substances are effective at killing germs, but they can also be harmful to our health and environment. The strong fumes and residues left behind can cause respiratory issues, skin irritations, and other health problems, especially in children, pets, and individuals with sensitive systems.

Chemical Cleaners Harm The Environment

Cleaning products are released into the environment every day during normal use, typically through evaporation of their often volatile components and rinsing down the drain of residual product from cleaned surfaces, sponges, etc. The environmental impact of conventional chemical cleaning products is a growing concern. The chemicals in most popular products can contaminate waterways, harm aquatic life, and contribute to pollution. Additionally, the production and disposal of these chemical cleaners often involve non-sustainable practices.

According to the EPA, “cleaning products can present several health and environmental concerns. They may contain chemicals associated with eye, skin, or respiratory irritation or other human health issues. Additionally, the concentrated forms of some commercial cleaning products are classified as hazardous, creating potential handling, storage, and disposal issues for users. Using green cleaning products can help to reduce the human health and environmental concerns that come along with cleaning.”

The Natural Power Of Clean Habits

Clean Habits offers a refreshing green cleaning alternative with natural, chemical-free, scent-neutralizing, pre & probiotic cleaners. Our products are nana-grade safe, meaning they are non-toxic and safe for everyone in the household. You no longer need to worry about keeping your kitchen off-limits to your toddler or your pets after cleaning. 

Additionally, our products address environmental concerns by offering eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Clean Habits cleaners and detergents are biodegradable and free from harmful chemicals, reducing your household’s ecological footprint. 

Our natural cleaners also do not emit harmful fumes. By choosing Clean Habits, you’re not only protecting your family’s health but also contributing to a healthier planet. You can (literally) breathe easier with Clean Habits.

Do Probiotics Really Clean Better?

You’re probably familiar with probiotics through the lens of gut health—think yogurt commercials, kombucha breweries, and trendy probiotic sodas. These beneficial microorganisms help balance our internal flora, improving digestion and overall health. But probiotics aren’t just good for our insides; they can work wonders on the outside, too, particularly in cleaning.

Our patented Synbio Technology harnesses the natural power of pre and probiotics, utilizing these beneficial “enhancers” to combat the harmful baddies thriving on our household surfaces. Unlike conventional cleaners that rely on temporary chemical disinfection, the probiotics in Clean Habits products provide a long-lasting cleaning effect. 

When you use most chemical cleaners, they almost instantly eliminate 99.9% of germs. Great! But what happens next? Well, that .1% of germs still there start breeding and multiplying just as quickly! Nature by design fills any unclaimed space. When harsh chemicals are used to clean areas, they create a vacuum, inviting more bad germs to replace the old. The probiotics within Clean Habits products not only conquer surface crud and crevices but also fill the space left behind. With the help of the prebiotics, they can defend your surfaces for up to FIVE full days!

How Do Prebiotics Create A Longer-Lasting Clean?

Our unique incorporation of prebiotics sets Clean Habits apart from other probiotic cleaning products. Think of prebiotics as the nurturing companions to probiotics, the best friends of our germ-fighting protectors, if you will. While probiotics are the active defenders against harmful germs, prebiotics serve as their support system, providing nutrients the probiotics need to thrive and remain effective on your surfaces for longer periods.

This synbiotic relationship (a combination of prebiotics and probiotics) ensures that Clean Habits products do more than just clean—they create a healthy and balanced micro-ecosystem on your home’s surfaces and even your clothes with our signature laundry detergent. The prebiotics helps the probiotics to delve deeper into the grime and neutralize any lurking germs, offering a thorough and enduring clean that chemical cleaners simply cannot match.

There’s Good Habits & Bad Habits, then There’s Clean Habits

Imagine a cleaning routine where you don’t have to worry about exposing your loved ones to toxic chemicals. Picture a home where the surfaces remain clean for days, thanks to the enduring power of probiotics and prebiotics. With Clean Habits, this is not just a daydream—it’s a reality.

Clean Habits natural cleaners are more than just a trend; they are a revolution in household cleaning. By integrating the potent combination of prebiotics and probiotics, our cleaners offer a superior, long-lasting clean that is safe for your family and the environment. Say goodbye to the worries associated with harsh chemicals and embrace the peace of mind that comes from having Clean Habits. Your home deserves it, and so do you.

The 5-Day Clean Promise

Guaranteed to clean deeper and longer.

While disinfectants become inactive within 30 minutes after application, Clean Habits products with our patented HEIQ Synbio Technology® are still hard at work 24 hours after the first application for up to five full days. Don’t take our word for it — we’ve got Science on our side.
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