A Cleaner, Safer Home? Priceless.

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room: Do Clean Habits products cost the same as those chemical-packed cleaners filling store shelves? Nope, they sure don’t. But do they clean deeper, last longer, and make your home safer for everyone? Absolutely yes!

Think of how fast fashion is cheap but falls apart faster than you can say “wardrobe malfunction.” Similarly, chemical cleaners may be initially pocket-friendly, but they’re also as effective as a chocolate teapot once germs start marching in again. Clean Habits, on the other hand, keeps your surfaces nana-grade safe for a whopping 5 days! Yes, you heard that right—5 days of germ-free goodness.

Clean Habits Pre & Probiotic Cleaners are groundbreaking solutions for eliminating germs and offering a thorough, protective clean compared to conventional toxic chemical cleaners. Investing in Clean Habits products may incur a higher upfront cost, but the benefits make them the smarter choice. Here’s why.

The Secret Sauce? Synbio Technology: All-Natural Cleaning BFFs, Pre & Probiotics

What’s behind Clean Habits’ magic? Synbio technology—a genius blend of probiotics and prebiotics. This combo dives deep into surfaces, evicting impurities to the curb and keeping grimy buildup at bay longer than most vacations. Consider probiotics the bouncers of the club that is your house, kicking out all the bad bacteria they find. Prebiotics? They’re the energy drinks keeping those bouncers pumped and ready. Together, they form an unstoppable team, protecting everyone in your home so the party never has to stop!

Clean Habits harnesses this dynamic duo, creating a cleaning powerhouse that’s all-natural and safe for everyone—from your tiny tots to your fluffy pets to, yes, even Mother Earth herself.

Say Goodbye to Constant Cleaning and Hello to a Deep Clean That Lasts

Remember those harsh chemical cleaners that smell like a swimming pool and must be reapplied every hour? Well, toss ‘em out! Or at least get ready to replace them once they’re gone because Clean Habits products protect surfaces for up to 5 days. That’s right, 5 days of less cleaning and more living. 

Unlike harsh chemical cleaners, which lose effectiveness shortly after application, Clean Habits products protect your surfaces for up to 5 days. The prebiotics in the formula feed the probiotics, allowing them to thrive and maintain their germ-fighting capabilities long after you’ve finished cleaning. This means you can enjoy a cleaner home for extended periods without constant reapplication.

Chemical cleaners like bleach and ammonia may offer a quick fix, but they’re like those fairweather friends only around for a quick pat on the shoulder, and off they go when you need them most! Our Clean Habits probiotics stick around for the long haul, filling the space with good bacteria that keep the bad guys from crashing your clean party again. The dynamic duo of prebiotics and probiotics ensures a healthier microbial environment in your home. Save on the bottom line of your budget by cleaning less often with Clean Habits.

Safe for the Whole Family

One of the most compelling reasons to choose Clean Habits is that we are obsessed with safety and health—OBSESSED. Traditional chemical cleaners utilize biocides, which can be hazardous, causing respiratory issues, skin irritation, and long-term health problems with repeated exposure. A big “No, thank you” to all of that.

The EPA defines biocides as a diverse group of substances, such as preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants, and pesticides, used to control harmful organisms. While biocides are crucial for preventing infections in places like hospitals, they also have some serious downsides, like respiratory health risks, environmental damage, and immune system resistance issues.

That’s why we created a safer and breathable alternative, Clean Habits. Our products are so safe you could practically eat off the surfaces (though we still recommend using plates)! With Clean Habits, you can clean without cordoning off danger zones for your kids and pets. It’s like having a cleaning fairy godmother who only uses non-toxic pixie dust!

Cleaning That’s Kind to Our Planet? Yes, PLEASE! But it needs to WORK.

In addition to being safe for your household, Clean Habits products are environmentally friendly. Harsh chemicals can pollute water and harm wildlife. Clean Habits, on the other hand, uses ingredients that break down easily and don’t cause a ruckus in nature’s backyard, ensuring that your cleaning habits are eco-conscious and respectful to Mother Nature.

And that doesn’t come at the cost of cleanliness. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we’ll say it again: Clean Habits outperforms every other green-cleaning product on the market. Our patented Synbio technology cleans more thoroughly and alleviates bacteria on surfaces for longer, so you don’t have to stress about those invisible grimy germs coming back to wreak havoc on your immune system!

Clean Habits: Your Wallet’s New Best Friend

Sure, Clean Habits might cost a bit more upfront, but think of it as an investment in your family’s health and future. You clean less often, use less product, and save time (which we all know is priceless). Plus, fewer health issues from toxic chemicals mean fewer doctor visits. Cha-ching!

Switching to Clean Habits is like joining an elite club of eco-friendly, health-conscious cleaners. From deep, long-lasting cleaning power to safety and sustainability, Clean Habits products are worth every penny.

Your surfaces will thank you. Your family will thank you. And hey, even your wallet will give you a high-five. Clean Habits is the way to go for a truly sparkling clean that lasts. Ready to join the green-clean revolution?

The 5-Day Clean Promise

Guaranteed to clean deeper and longer.

While disinfectants become inactive within 30 minutes after application, Clean Habits products with our patented HEIQ Synbio Technology® are still hard at work 24 hours after the first application for up to five full days. Don’t take our word for it — we’ve got Science on our side.
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